Appendix C

B magnetic field
c speed of light
cs sound speed
E electric field
f(x,v,t) electron distribution function
G total momentum density
J current density
J* "free-streaming" current density
k wavenumber
kB Boltzmann constant
m particle mass
MA Alfvén Mach number in the shock frame
n particle number density
[^(n)] shock normal direction
p thermal pressure
P pressure tensor
q electric charge
Rc radius of curvature
S total energy flux
t time
T temperature
U fluid velocity
vparticle velocity
vA Alfvén speed
vf fast mode wave speed
V0 velocity of plasma flow into the shock
VHT de Hoffman-Teller velocity
Vin velocity of plasma flow into the simulation box
W total energy density
x,y,z x,y,z position co-ordinates
a particle pitch angle
b plasma beta
g Lorentz factor
g polytropic exponent
G current per unit mass
Dt time step
Du change in flow speed
Dx, Dy grid cell sizes
e0 dielectric constant
qBn angle between the upstream magnetic field and the shock normal
l wavelength
L charge per unit mass
m particle magnetic moment
m0 permeability of free space
P momentum flux tensor
r mass density
rc charge density
s power law exponent
f macroparticle weighting function
f0 cross-shock potential
w wave frequency
W gyrofrequency


0 upstream quantity
1 downstream quantity
e electron
i ion
p proton
r reflected component
s species
x,y,z x,y,z vector components
HTF quantity in the de Hoffman-Teller frame
IPF quantity in the initial plasma frame
NIF quantity in the normal incidence frame
|| component parallel to the magnetic field
^component perpendicular to the magnetic field
* characteristic speed calculated locally

Page Maintained By : Rob Lowe
Last Revision : 1st March 2003